Exploring The Newberry College

Newberry College is a coeducational liberal arts college located in Newberry, South Carolina. Founded in 1856, Newberry College is affiliated with the Lutheran Church. Beautiful wooded acres 90 campus is home to 1.025 students.

Newberry College offers 25 majors include education, forensic chemistry, and nursing programs. Pre-professional programs offered in law, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and veterinary medicine. It awards a Bachelor's four young: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of music education, and Bachelor of Science. The student-faculty ratio of 14: 1. The school also offers dual degree programs with Clemson, Duke, MUSC, Charleston School of law, and Palmetto Baptist Medical Center.

The campus has 17 sports teams for men and women who compete in the NCAA Division II, including football, basketball, volleyball, golf, and tennis. Campus athletic facilities include a football stadium, basketball arena, tennis courts, a swimming pool and sports fields. Recently 135 Newberry student-athletes were named to the Honor Roll South Atlantic Conference Commissioners. These students have earned at least a point average of 3.2 cumulative grade while completing at least one season in the Conference sponsored sports. Newberry College has led the Conference in these achievements over the last four years.

The campus is located in one of South Carolina's oldest and most historic Upcountry. Newberry was named one of the "100 best small city of à Newberry South Carolina Hotel explore the history and offerings of a local area colleges.

in America ", and is the safest city of Its South Carolina town has many historic buildings, including four University campuses in Newberry were listed on the National Register of historic places. The town is located 40 minutes from the capital of South Carolina, Columbia, and within easy travelling distance from both mountains and beaches. Newberry offers a mild climate is perfect for many recreational opportunities nearby. There are several golf courses as well as boating and fishing in the nearby Lake Murray and Lake Greenwood.